Oyster Season Opens in Portion of Public Seed Grounds – CLOSING UPDATE - LA Fisheries Forward


oyster shells

UPDATE:  This limited season is closing Friday March 20 at one-half hour after sunset. According to a LDWF news release: “Protection of the remaining oyster resource is in the long-term best interest of oyster conservation in this area. This public oyster area holds a limited oyster supply and harvest pressure since the oyster season opening on March 16 has provided the industry with much-needed oyster resources.  It is estimated that over 54,000 sacks of seed oysters (<3”) and nearly 3,000 sacks of market-size oysters (≥3”) were harvested on the first day of this abbreviated season.”

Previous release of opening:

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission approved a Declaration of Emergency to open the oyster season in a portion of the public oyster seed grounds east of the Mississippi River and north of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet,
including Lake Borgne and Mississippi Sound,at one-half hour before sunrise on March 16, 2015 through one-half hour after sunset on March 31, 2015.  This area was originally scheduled to open on October 20, 2014, but was delayed to protect a successful spatfall event in the area.  During the period of this opening, and only in this portion of the public oyster seed grounds, no sack limit and no sacking-only area shall be in effect. The 2013 cultch plants located in Drum Bay and 3-Mile Pass shall remain closed.

To view a detailed map of this area click here

The Commission authorized Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries’ Secretary Robert J. Barham to take emergency action to close areas, on an as-needed basis, based on biological data or if enforcement problems are encountered.  The Secretary was also authorized to take emergency action to reopen areas previously closed if the threat to the resource has ended and to open areas if substantial oyster resources are located.

Public notice of any opening, delay, or closure of a season will be provided at least 72 hours prior to such action, unless such closure is ordered by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals for public health concerns.