Virtual Q&A on New AOC Grant Program - LA Fisheries Forward


May 19, 2021
LA Fisheries Forward caged oysters

Virtual Q&A on New AOC Grant Program

06:00 pm - 07:00 pm @

Louisiana Sea Grant (LSG) has received a $3 million grant from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) and the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) to expand alternative oyster culture (AOC) throughout the coast.

AOC – also known as alternative oyster culture – is when oysters are grown in floating cages or in bottom-placed cages attached to pylons. This method allows the cages to be raised and lowered to protect oysters from predators, fouling and the burial effects of disasters like hurricanes. LSG has operated an AOC demonstration farm on Grand Isle for more than a decade and began researching alternative oyster culture in the late 1980s.

The goal of the project is to begin expanding AOC operations across the state within three years. That includes establishing AOC seed nurseries and grow-out facilities, hatcheries and areas legally designated as AOC Management Units (parks) that contain multiple farms in one location.

A question and answer Zoom meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 19 at 6 pm. To register, visit

Details about the project and grants can be found at