The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will meet October 17-20, 2016, at the IP Casino Hotel in Biloxi, Mississippi. The meeting will convene Monday morning at 8:30. For the following days, the meeting will start at 8:00 am. The full Council will convene Wednesday afternoon beginning at 1:00 pm. The Council is expected to adjourn by 3:30 pm Thursday.
- Final Action on Coastal Migratory Pelagic Framework Amendment 5: To Remove the Prohibition on Retaining the Recreational King Mackerel Bag Limit with Commercial King Mackerel Permit
- Final Action of Referendum Requirements for Reef Fish Amendment 42: Reef Fish Management for Headboat Survey Vessels
- Proposed Fishing Regulations on the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
- Final Action on Coastal Migratory Pelagic Amendment 30: Atlantic Cobia Recreational Fishing Year
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Check it out! Go to and click on the thermometer in the middle of the page. From there you can read up on all the pending actions, watch the video presentations, read comments, and submit your own. All comments submitted through the online form are automatically posted on our web site for Council review. Other comments are manually posted every couple of days.