The LWFC Amends Notice of Intent Modifying Spotted Seatrout Size And Bag Limits - LA Fisheries Forward


four men fishing from inshore charter boat

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC) amended the Notice of Intent (NOI) to change spotted seatrout size and bag limits.  The commission proposes to amend the original Notice of Intent to a minimum size limit of 13 inches and establish a maximum size limit of 20 inches with an allowance for two fish over the maximum length limit, maintain the proposed 15 fish bag limit, and eliminate the ability for charter guides and/or their deckhands to keep a bag limit while conducting a for-hire trip.

The amendments to the proposed Notice of Intent also include a requirement for a stock assessment to be provided to the commission no later than the April 2027 meeting and a sunset of the proposed changes at 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 2028 unless regulations are modified prior to that date.

Modifications in this proposed rule would create one statewide size and bag limit, removing the separate regulations in coastal western Louisiana.

These changes are being made based upon public comment provided during the comment period for the original Notice of Intent, comments heard during previous commission meetings, and during a Legislative Oversight hearing held on February 1, 2023. The full notice of intent can be found here.

Additional information on spotted seatrout can be found at:

Next Steps:

  1. A public hearing on the proposed substantive changes will be held by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries on September 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at LDWF headquarters in the Joe Herring Room at 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70898.
  2. Following the 30-day legislative oversight period, the proposed rule could be published as a final rule as soon as November 2023

For techniques on safe handling and release practices for Spotted Seatrout, to help reduce catch-and-release mortality, click here.