A public meeting to review eligibility and the scoring process for AOC applicants will be held Dec. 16, 2021, at 6 p.m. via Zoom; register by Dec. 15 at http://lsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dhghhTIt4pOlgJo .
The AOC grant program management team will introduce participants to the application process used by the selection committee. The committee will evaluate an applicant’s personal qualifications and experience, the AOC site location as it influences the biological and physiological needs of the oyster, and the ability to work and harvest without influences of public health concerns. Additionally, they will be able to evaluate an applicant’s personal thoughts on what AOC means to them and how prepared the applicant is to start a business, and any outside financial efforts they may be pursuing to bolster their business through grants, etc. Together, these five elements, in addition to a phone interview, will be used to make final decisions on grant awards.