NOAA Fisheries Announces Changes to Allowable Fishing Effort in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery - LA Fisheries Forward


fishing boat at sea

• NOAA Fisheries announces an increase in the allowable amount of commercial shrimp trawl fishing effort in certain federal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico.
• The increased allowable effort represents a relative maximum increase in Gulf-wide shrimp fishing effort of 21 percent. However, there is no expectation this action would result in a significant increase in effort.
• The maximum possible increased shrimp fishing effort is unlikely to alter the red snapper rebuilding schedule and have little effect on future red snapper allowable catch due to increased bycatch of juvenile red snapper.
• The final rule will also revise the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery management plan framework procedure to allow changes to allowable fishing effort through an expedited process.


• Regulations will be effective March 9, 2020


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